Our Team
Warwickshire College is an independent Corporation with exempt charity status formed under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992.
The Corporation* is similar to a board of non-executive directors and made up of members of the business and local community, local authorities, stakeholders, partners, student and staff members.
The Instrument and Articles of Government detail the Corporation’s powers, membership, role and responsibilities, and are supplemented by a Financial Memorandum and the Audit Code of Practice. The Corporation also adheres to general law relating to employment, equality and diversity, health and safety, Safeguarding and Prevent and GDPR.
The Group Chief Executive and Principal is a member ex officio and the only executive member. The Corporation is accountable for the use of public funds and has a duty of care for the assets of the College.
Senior Leadership Team
Our senior leadership team each bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise to their role and to the college group.
Governors make an important contribution to the life of a college and its students, helping to ensure that it is run well and serves the needs of local people.